Friday, October 25, 2013

Does student’s gender impact 4th grade reading performance?

Gender: Boys
Mean = 216.84459
Standard Deviation = 7.16865
Standard Error = 0.98469
Gender: Girls
Mean = 224.07747
Standard Deviation = 6.44251
Standard Error = 0.88495

RESULTS: p = 1.60684046695E-7

After calculating the data, the outcome was that there does appear to be some significant data showing between the two genders male and female, with 4th grade readers.The results: p = 1.60684046695E-7

In my research findings I found results for the NCES 2011 Reading Scores do matter for Gender:
There is a difference within the two gender groups, and gender does impact 4th grade reading performance. In looking at the reading achievement of 4th-grade reading students in 2011, this was made among  education systems and the conclusion of the results suggest that the average score for girls was higher than the average score for boys in the United States.

If I was to examine my own keyboarding classroom, I could come up with at least several of my own hypothesis:

1.) Which gender is more successful at posture and keyboarding technique?

2.) Which gender shows the most improvement in keyboarding scores or does gender play a role?

3.) How many keyboarding students are top performers?

4.) How do boys compare to girls in Keyboarding skills?

5.) What learning strategies help my students perform better?

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