Monday, November 18, 2013

Intel's Ranking Tool-What is the impact of technology?

What has been the impact of using technology?

Bell Labs Model 1 Relay Computer C. 1940

  This question is relevant and connected to a learning unit and Click here for Technology Invention Lesson Plan Unit for my students showing the flow of history of technology and transportation. I would allow students to explore directed websites to search for answers to this question.  One website example that I would have students to view is by going to this website Flow of History - Computer History.

Students would click on the Timeline of Technology Inventions as shown on PBS and compare Technology of Inventions -Timeline

 How has the ease of inventions for our transportation and technology changed human beings and how has it been a tremendous improvement to our daily lives? I would have the students to Click on the 10 choices on the link provided below and tell me how they would rank each category of these inventions in our world.   I  have spent a good part of the day trying to come up with a visual ranking  to show this to my students.  By creating a username and password in my teacher workspace with Intel I was able to master this.  Intel's Visual Ranking Tool allows teachers to create projects and then save them for future viewing by their students.

By using Intel's Ranking Tool this would add to the lesson plan derived for this unit:
Click here to see my Visual Ranking Tool -What is the impact of Technology as an Invention?

Lessons created with this Visual Ranking Tool meet the first 4 ISTE NETS S standards: 

1.) Facilitate and Inspire Student Learning and Creativity
2.) Design and Develop Digital Age Learning Experiences and Assessments
3.) Model Digital Age Work and Learning
4.) Promote and Model Digital Citizenship and Responsibility

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